Chakra UI Logochakra-ui-stepsv2.1.0
Chakra UI Logochakra-ui-stepsv2.1.0

Chakra UI Steps

chakra-ui-steps makes it super easy to create multi-step interfaces in apps where you are already using chakra-ui. Use it in forms, onboarding, or anywhere you want to lead the user through some logical steps.



npm install chakra-ui-steps


yarn add chakra-ui-steps


  • Horizontal and vertical layouts
  • Extensible styling
  • Right to left support
  • Custom icons
  • Multiple variants
  • Easily render step content


In order to get started, you will need to extend your theme with the steps component's styles. This can be done by importing StepsTheme from chakra-ui-steps and passing it to the extendTheme function from Chakra UI.

Once you have extended the theme, you can use the Steps component anywhere in your app. Below is a basic example of how you might use the Steps component.

Custom Styles

To customize the styles of the Steps component, chakra-ui-steps provides a list of css classes for each part of the component. You can use these classes to override the default styles. Below is a list of the classes that are available.

In some cases you may want to customize the styles of a step based on its state. For example, you may want to change the color of a step when it is active. To do this, you can use the data attributes defined below.

Here is an example of how you might create some custom styles using a combination of the classes and data attributes.

To get up and running and have a look at some code, check out the examples page.

Chakra UI Logochakra-ui-steps




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